Thursday, January 2, 2020

Got Goals?

Happy New Year friends!

There is just something exciting about beginning a brand new year. 365 days of possibilities stretch before us. Most of us have at least a few goals we would like to accomplish in 2020. I read an interesting statistic about New Year's resolutions. Sadly it seems most people give up on them by January 12th. That's bad news! The good news is if you are not MOST people. God says that through Christ we are more than over comers! I love the promise of today's verse that says when we commit whatever we do to the Lord he establishes our plans! It's then that we will succeed! Whatever your goals are for the coming year don't forget to commit them to God first! And perhaps you might ask him just what his goals for you are. They may be bigger than yours! May you be blessed on this 2nd day of this new year! Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect beginning to a New Year! Thank you so much. I look forward to reading more.
