Saturday, January 2, 2021

Only God Can Make Sunshine

 Happy Saturday!

Oh my gosh! I opened the blinds, said (well actually yelled) thank you Lord and clapped my hands when I saw the sunshine this morning! Sunshine makes me happy and you know it only comes from God! Only God can make a sunshiny day in your world and in your heart! I hope your day and heart are filled with the warmth and sunshine that only comes from God's love! Happy Saturday everyone! You are greatly loved!

Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 In the Books

 If 2020 is in the books, and it is, I can't help but think what category of book you would find it in. It almost seems like fiction, parts of it even science fiction or horror. Yet we who lived it know it is reality and will be part of our story, our biography, as the story is retold for years to come. Some of us watched events unfold with utter disbelief and sadness while others embraced them as needed change. Many felt their core values and beliefs were being ripped away and others seemed to embrace the destruction as freedom. Most of us are glad we are at the end of the book and more than relieved to close the cover and put it away. Although the story is to be continued it is not without hope. God's promise is to crown the year with his goodness and he will. I pray that this will be a year of abundant blessing and you will see God's goodness written in your story of 2021. Happy New Year everyone! You are greatly loved!