Sunday, December 13, 2015

What are you giving Jesus this year?

I love Christmas. I can’t think of anything about Christmas I don’t enjoy; the decorations, parties, special events and the food, especially the sweets. I love it all. Some people complain of the commercialism but I even enjoy that part.  Those who know me well will agree I love a bargain and the holidays are a bargain shoppers dream. Besides I love-giving gifts to people and God has always provided a way for me to do at least a little something. His word says He provides seed for the sower (2 Cor 9:10) and I’ve received many Christmas miracles. My hubby likes to say I have Christmas faith.

On the top of  “these are a few of my favorite Christmas things list” is the music. I try to start listening to it the day after Thanksgiving but true confession here, sometimes I can’t wait that long. This morning one of my favorite carols came to mind; O Come Let Us Adore Him and it got me thinking. I like to ask Jesus what He would like for Christmas. After all, it is His birthday we are celebrating. So, as I was thinking about a gift for Him I had this idea. This year my gift to Jesus will be an “adoration list.” 

As I write this blog my sweet husband, Lawrence, is in the hospital. He has a lung disease called pulmonary fibrosis. There is no natural cure.  The initial prognosis for recovery of this flare up wasn’t very good but he is getting better every day and we have seen God answer prayer. Eventually, if the disease progresses, the only hope is a lung transplant

The words to this familiar Christmas carol, O Come Let Us Adore Him, became very real to me today. Not only am I thankful for answered prayer but I absolutely adore my wonderful God and savior who was born to not only to die for our sins to but to bear our sickness and disease. He gives us grace, strength, peace and hope no matter what we are facing. I adore Him!

This Christmas if you are looking for that special something for Jesus you might consider an adoration list. What better treasure to bring to our king. He is worthy! My Christmas invitation to you is, O Come let us Adore Him! The perfect gift, for the perfect One!

Christ is the Lord!