Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We live by God's promises not his explanations!

Yes, I know it's hard not to ask why sometimes. Even Jesus ask why when he hung on the cross. (Matt 27:46) There are things we just don't understand. We can ask why but somehow I'm not so sure we would even fully understand the answer even if we were told. It's not the whys that give us hope but the promises of God. Hold fast to his promises. In them is our hope!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Let Go and Let God

Sometimes we try to hold on to something that is already gone and when we open our hands all we find is emptiness. God doesn't want you to walk through life empty handed. His hand is always there, outstretched for you to take hold. It feels so good to walk hand in hand with God. Let go of nothing and grab hold of the one who is everything!